Curriculum Topic Overview
To view our Class Curriculum Topics go to our Class pages. We have provided further information on our curriculum subject topics below:
From the very start, children are encouraged to have a love of books and reading. Word reading skills are taught through the Read, Write, Inc approach supported by a wide range of home readers, books and texts. Comprehension skills are taught through a range of individual, group and whole class teaching where teachers develop the children’s skills across the range of abilities.
High quality class texts have been chosen to challenge and inspire children’s thinking and this often drives the work done in Writing and GPS.
We use Accelerated Reader in Y3, Y4 and Y5. Project X Comprehension Express is used in Y6.
Class texts are one of the main driver for the teaching of writing. Through these children are taught the skills of Spelling, Handwriting, Composition, and Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation in line with national end of year expectations. As with all subjects, able children are challenged further and those requiring support receive additional teaching and intervention. See our Range of Writing Plan on the website curriculum page for more details.
We use White Rose approach to teach Maths using our work with the Maths Hub to develop highly focussed and interactive maths learning. We follow a broad and progressive Maths curriculum which develops children’s mental fluency as well as written methods and problem solving. Children make links between different areas of Maths so that they acquire a deep knowledge and understanding of key mathematical skills that they can apply in different ways.
Through an enquiry-based approach, teachers pose scientific questions for children to explore, investigate and reflect upon. Science is taught progressively, in line with the National Curriculum and end of year expectations. View our open vision, principles and development to science on our website.
Similarly to Science, Geography and History are taught through an enquiry-based approach. Children explore, investigate and answer questions in order to gain knowledge and understanding of a given topic, local, national or worldwide. Each topic helps to build upon children’s current knowledge and skills. Where appropriate, our staff plan cross-curricular links across other subjects such as Art and Design to enhance this learning further.
Within the teaching of Computing, children develop key skills across the three areas: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. Teachers plan lessons that support and challenge children to develop coding skills and how to use a range of computer programs. We also aim to ensure that all our children become ‘digitally literate’ and know how to stay safe online when using all forms of technology.
Physical Education is taught through Durham Core tasks, which include all forms of sport. Children are assessed at their starting point at the beginning of a unit of work. Teachers then plan, differentiate and assess to the needs of the children, before re-assessing their skills at the end of a unit. P.E is also delivered across the year through whole-school events such as house competitions, attendance at sporting events/festivals and Sports Day. A variety of after school clubs support our PE provision. Sport Premium is used to bring in specialist coaches (for example Judo, Tennis) at different points during the year.
Art and Design/Design and Technology
Children develop their creative, technical and evaluative skills while learning about the work and influence of artists and designers. This work is often closely linked to other subject areas and topics the pupils are studying.
We use the Charanga scheme as the basis of our work in music. This is extended through whole school singing and recorder tuition in KS2. Every class takes part in a musical performance at some time across the year which helps to develop drama and performance skills further. Some children choose to develop their skills further by taking addition music lessons (for example violin and flute).
The teaching of PSHCE is delivered using a mixture of Twinkl resource files and other relevant materials. Personal, Social and Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development are taught across the year in lessons, key stage and whole-school assemblies. E-Safety is taught within this subject and our computing curriculum. Our approach to this subject is kept flexible, so that we can address any local or national issues that may impact upon children, when they arise. We use Commando Joe to build character and inter- personal skills.
Children learn French in KS2, initially focussing on the spoken word and understanding the culture of French speaking countries, then the skills of reading and writing are introduced.
Our Religious Education curriculum is taught according to the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Durham. Teachers teach R.E as a discrete subject, yet plan for cross-curricular links where appropriate. We have links with our local churches, through frequent visits and visitors to our assemblies.